Saturday, November 4, 2006

The Story So Far...

The second day of this blog has been completed. Lots and lots of work are still left. Today, I was able to complete the following...
Paypal :- Paypal, what can I say. If you haven't already, register at paypal and get an account. It will be helpful to you forever. And I mean forever. I have added a donation button. If you want to donate, all you have to do is click the button and enter your login info. And you're all set. If you, by any chance, feel like donating now :->, check the right sidebar. I have added the donation button in this post...

Donate Here....

Zoom Clouds :- This is a tag manager. It shows all your tags in a tag cloud. See the sidebar on the left if you want a tag cloud. Zoom Clouds is one of the best tag managers around on the net for free. You can customize it endlessly!